Vinegar acts like a conditioner on dry hair; it also has the desirable effect of removing dandruff that may be contributing to the lacklustre appearance of your hair.

Aloe vera:
Aloe vera is a great moisturiser for the skin but it works equally well on hair too. Especially for those with dry hair, aloe vera treatment can help give a shine and soft texture that makes frizzy hair manageable. This moisturising effect on hair works even better when used in combination with other ingredients.
For example, you can make a paste with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 3 tablespoons of curd and leave this on your hair for about half an hour. Or, you could collect a few hibiscus flowers, grind to a thick paste and to 2 teaspoons of this, and mix in half a cup of aloe vera gel and one teaspoon of olive oil.