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How to use Old Sarees Jaree for Mobile Pouches, Photo frame decors, Pen Stand decors, pillow decors

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Ladies use to store their old favorite sarees in shelves when the pallu is still looks good. Instead of that you can still use them for other purpose. In this post, we show how to use your old pattu sarees in different ways. Let's bring those sarees out.  We can prepare mobile pouches or photo frame decors or you can wrap around pen stand. Here are some ideas and how to do them. If we go to any traditional functions, they use to gift with blouse pieces with pattu corners.  You can also use them for these type of decors.

How to make Mobile Pouches at home?

Homemade Mobile Pouches

What you will need for this?
  1. Jaree corner / pattu corner
  2. Sewing thread with the color as cloth
  3. Scissors
  4. Small Key chain ring

  1. Take the Jaree cloth or Pattu cloth and cut it all sides equally.
  2. Iron the cloth properly.
  3. Cut the cloth with the two times long as the mobile height.
  4. Take another soft cloth with the same width and height as this cloth. Cut it accordingly. This cloth will be inner side cloth for the mobile pouch.
  5. Stitch this cloth keeping backside of that pattu cloth.
  6. Stitch the cloth top and bottom sides like in Picture 2.
  7. As showed in picture 3, fold inside cloth outside and stitch two side edges.
  8. If you do like in Step 7, it will be open on one side and looks like a pocket.
  9. Turn this to opposite side then it will be ready with pattu/Jaree edges.
  10. Stitch a small key chain at one corner and a beautiful mobile pouch is ready.

Now Let's see how to stitch in different ways.

Homemade Photo frames

How to make Jewellery Boxes at home?

What is needed?

  1. Leftover blouse piece.
  2. Jaree or pattu edge
  3. Fevicol
  4. Thick cord
  5. Soft Sponge


You can also prepare Jewellery boxes in your free time at home.
  1. Take 20cm wide and length cord.
  2. Sketch on this cord a plus mark with pencil as shown in figure 7.
  3. In the middle, there should bel 12cm wide and length square.
  4. Four side boxes length should be 6cm.
  5. Cut this cord along the plus sign mark as shown in figure 8.
  6. Now take a soft sponge sheet and cut it like in plus shape and paste it to the one side of the cord sheet as shown in figure 9.
  7. In that way, cut the blouse piece in plus shape and stitch it on the sponge like in figure 10.
  8. Now cut these in a curve shape as in figure 11.
  9. As shown in figure 12, paste the previously cutted jaree edges on the cord.
  10. If you fold to inside, it will become box shape like in figure 13.
  11. Inside cord should be cut into huck shape and paste it inside like in figure 14.
  12. To these hucks, you can attach jewellery on all four sides.
  13. If the hucks not stitched properly, you can simply store all your jewellery as in figure 15.

Homemade Jewellery boxes

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