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Get rid of chapped lips/dry lips

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There can be many reasons for chapped lips but at the end there is only one word, it HURTS!!! Looks not GOOD!!!  To prevent your lips from chapping in the future follow the below ideas:

1. Drink plenty of water EVERY DAY!!!

2. Take more fruits and vegetables in your diet daily!

To Heal chapping lips/dry lips, follow below methods:

  1. Drinking afternoon tea with lemon and honey, we can quickly make an ointment from a few drops of lemon and honey. 
  2. Take some paper towel or normal soft towel and dip it in olive oil or any other oil (like coconut oil) and blot the oil on your lips several times.  
  3. Making sure your lips are completely dry and apply the lip balm in the night and leave it overnight. Also apply the lip balm throughout the day. In that way, you can get rid of dry lips problem in a day. 
  4. Try this mixture: Stir in cream box of equal parts of Vaseline and honey butter, cinnamon and plump little elixir for a soft lips.
  5. Brown Sugar with Olive oil on your lips and wash off later.
  6. Tooth brush method to exfoliate your lips with soft bristled toothbrush.
  7. Run a soft washcloth under some lukewarm water. Rub the cloth on your lips to make them soft. Don't rub it too long.

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