Moisturising Banana Yogurt Face Mask:
You only need three ingredients for this – a half of a ripe banana, half cup of plain yoghurt, and a teaspoon of honey.
First, crush the banana in a small bowl getting rid of all lumps. Bananas are amazing because they have vitamin c and antioxidants which help cleanse the skin of free radicals.
You only need three ingredients for this – a half of a ripe banana, half cup of plain yoghurt, and a teaspoon of honey.
First, crush the banana in a small bowl getting rid of all lumps. Bananas are amazing because they have vitamin c and antioxidants which help cleanse the skin of free radicals.
Once you’ve made a paste of the banana, add the spoon of honey and yoghurt and stir and mix till its smooth. Yoghurt cools the skin, reducing any redness and tightens pores. Honey is a natural antibiotic so it can kill any bacteria in your skin as well as adding moisture.
As with any face mask, it is important to make sure you have a clean face, devoid of make up first.
Generously apply the mask to your face and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Use warm water to wash it off. Finally, splash some cold water on your face to close up your pores.