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Pumpkin Hair Mask

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Hair is also important to care in this polluted environment. We cannot simply avoid it. We use many hair products every day, hair looks very dull and becomes thin after sometimes. We should start caring our hair with natural products. If I have time, I prefer to use natural products always which gives me confidence that whatever I use is healthy.

Whenever I plan for face mask, I also look for hair packs with the same fruits or vegetable. Today Pumpkin is my choice. After reading about Pumpkin, it has lot of benefits.

Pumpkin has Vitamin A and is extremely good for your scalp. You will get natural goodness straight from the source when applied directly. Pumpkin is good for damaged hair and good for moisturizing dry hair.

Pumpkin, Honey and Yogurt Hair Mask

  • 2 cups cooked pumpkin
  • 4 Tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 Tablespoons of honey
  • 2 cups yogurt 
  • Show cap

How to Apply:
  1. Blend the pumpkin into puree and yogurt in  Blender or food processor. 
  2. Add the coconut oil and honey ensuring that the mixture is smooth. 
  3. Apply the mixture to damp hair and cover hair with a plastic cap. 
  4. Leave it for 15 minutes. 
  5. Wash out thoroughly using your everyday shampoo and conditioner.
You can also use canned pumpkin in this mask.

Ladies Fashions Tip:  Apply coconut oil on your scalp before applying any hair mask for about minimum 1 hour. 

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